It struck me this week how quickly things can become outdated.
And it all started with the word login. Right there on a Call to Action button on a client’s website.
Was it one word or two? And did this depend on whether I was using it as a noun or a verb? Do I log in or login? ????
Overtaken by self-doubt I opened my dictionary that’s been sitting on every office desk I’ve worked at for the past 20 years. The South African Concise Oxford Dictionary (it’s bigger than it sounds).
Filed under log was log in/log on. Aha, so the verb is two words! (used incorrectly as one word by many of us).
Outdated and irrelevant?
So what about the noun? Nothing. I looked again. Nope. ????️♂️
It should be here! Nestled between logic bomb and -logist (as in biologist). But no.
Gobsmacked, I checked the publication date of my trusty dictionary. First published in 2002, reprinted in 2007.
I checked the Oxford Dictionary online. The noun was one word – login.
And just like that, my dictionary was out of date. Not obsolete. Just old and somewhat irrelevant.
Is your website serving your audience?
Websites are the same. In what seems like a blink of an eye, they can become outdated. Irrelevant to your audience. In need of a revamp. ????
And that’s why it’s so important to keep your site top of mind in your marketing. Not to fall into the “set and forget” trap.
Like the chocolate tasting website advertising a new flavour coming soon in February 2012 under its “Latest News” section. In January 2021.
The shelf-life of a website is four years. Tops.
???? If yours is looking a little outdated, why not schedule a free call with us?
We can give you some fresh ideas.
And all you have to do is log in to Zoom. Using your login. ????