
An FAQ page can be useful for your website visitors

Create value for your website visitors with an FAQ page

A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page that is well constructed and used to its fullest potential can be one of the most visited pages on your website. Every day millions of curious people take to the internet to find answers to the burning questions they have. Some may be very specific search queries. Others mayRead more

planning for website revamp

Website update: How a revamp will boost your digital marketing

Your company website is an asset. It’s an integral part of your business’s marketing mix. If it is not working optimally, it can hamper your marketing efforts and harm your brand. In the blink of an eye, a website can become outdated. Irrelevant to your audience. In need of a revamp. If you haven’t doneRead more

Select Web website builders blog

Website builders: Why DIY is NOT your best option

“Build a stunning website in 10 minutes”. The link jumped out at me from the Google Ad. Stunning? In 10 minutes? It takes me longer than that to brew a decent cup of coffee. Let alone build a website, stunning or not. If you’ve decided that it’s time to develop a new website or revampRead more

What the PHP version 7.2 upgrade means for your website

What the PHP version 7.2 upgrade means for your website 

PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development. In fact, 82% of all active websites on the internet use PHP.  Our servers have been automatically upgraded to PHP version 7.2. This means that security updates for PHP versions 5.6 and 7.0 have ended. So, what does this mean forRead more